Conduktor 2.0: The new standard for teams working with Kafka

Conduktor 2.0: The new standard for teams working with Kafka

Conduktor 2.0: The new standard for teams working with Kafka

We announced Conduktor 2.0, the new way for teams and organizations to work with real-time data at scale. We bring a new Free Tier and a complete new Self-Serve GitOps approach.


(Announcement) Conduktor 2.0: New Free Tier, New Self-Serve GitOps 🚀

Apache Kafka is the technology chosen to power modern data streaming architectures. But if we look beyond the technology itself, Kafka still relies on people and automation to make it successful.

  • How do you enforce the rules of client configurations?

  • How do you notify consumers of breaking schema changes?

  • How do you handle PII in your streaming data?

  • How do you gain visibility into Kafka? Reset offsets? Restart connectors?

  • How do you keep cost under control and chargeback to teams?

  • How do you access another teams data?

This is a lot of questions, right? And we've only just scratched the surface. As leaders in the streaming domain, we see these questions arise on the field every day. We want to take this opportunity to step back and recap the current state of Kafka and all the good (and bad!) practices around it.

Join us to deep dive into:

  • Why did Kafka win? What is the state of play today?

  • What do you need to be successful with Kafka at organizational scale?

  • What is the hype around Data Mesh?

  • Announcement: Conduktor 2.0: New Free Tier, New Self-Serve GitOps




Recording date

26th of March, 2024


39 min.

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