Conduktor USA Tour 2024

Conduktor USA Tour 2024

We are organizing a series of meetups in the USA! Kafka, Poison Pills, Data Contracts, we are looking forward to meeting you there!

I'm very excited to announce that we are organizing a series of meetups in the USA in February. We are looking forward to meeting you there! No matter if you are a Kafka expert or just starting with Kafka, be sure you will learn something new and interesting.


We will be present at the following meetups, here are the links to register on Meetup:

The meetups will be be composed of 2 talks:

  • Florent Ramiere, leading Gateway and Stephane Derosiaux, co-founder and CTO of Conduktor, will discuss "Kafka Survival: Poison Pills, Schema Compatibility, Data Contracts". We will explore common issues faced by applications using Apache Kafka and offer some solutions to prevent or resolve many of these issues.

Then, depending on the city you are in, you will attend one of these talks:

  • Danica Fine, from Confluent, will explain what happens when data is produced with Kafka in A Kafka Producer’s Request: Or, There and Back Again. Starting with producer.send(), she will cover what it is doing behind the hood, key configurations, and how brokers process requests, including how data is stored.

  • Bill Bejeck, from Confluent, will present Windowing in Kafka Streams and Flink SQL diving into what is windowing in stream processing, the different types available, and some guidelines on when to apply which window type.

Flixbus & Conduktor

On the 21th February, you'll also have the opportunity to meet with us online, where we will hear how Taras Slipets, Staff Data Engineer at FlixBus, learned from building and maintaining a distributed self-service streaming platform over the last 4 years. Book your seat and register to the webinar here, it's free.

The session will deep-dive into:

  • Kafka usage at FlixBus

  • Data mesh core principles

  • Naming conventions for domain-oriented ownership

  • Kafka's prefixed ACL pattern type

  • Lessons learned from enabling 10 domains and 50 internal teams

  • Self-service for resource management (architecture, CI/CD, permissions workflow)

We'll also take a look at how Conduktor is committed to providing a scalable, vendor-agnostic solution for self-service on Kafka, facilitating collaboration between Platform Teams and Application Teams.

Register to this free webinar

Our talk at Kafka Summit: Our Customer Support Perspective

Finally, we will be happy to meet you at the following conferences:

  • Kafka Summit London 2024 in March

  • Current 2024 in Austin in September

At Kafka Summit London, Aurélie and Christoph, Customer Engineers at Conduktor, will deep dive into the Apache Kafka's Common Pitfalls & Intricacies from their Customer Support Perspective: they see many MANY things and will present and explain most common misconceptions users and developers have.

See the complete talk details here and add it to your agenda

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